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Read All About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are the fastest growing pest control problem in the developed world. They are blood-feeding insects that are about the size of an apple seed once they are fully grown.

They survive on the blood of mammals and insects, but they prefer human blood. A colony of bed bugs can be a number in the thousands, and you can have them in your home without knowing it.

They Live Just About Anywhere

Bed bugs can live just about anywhere they can hide. An adult bed bug is 5mm long and they can crawl up to 30 meters in a night to find a meal.

Bed bugs can hide behind light switches, underneath peeling paint, door frames, or in the gap between the wall and the baseboards. And commonly under the folds of your mattress, gaps in headboards and in bed frames. They tend to live close to their hosts to make feeding an easier chore.

Bed bugs feed on humans, usually at night when they are resting. This insect feeds by piercing the skin with its elongated mouth part.

They leave Odors and Fecal Matter

In addition to direct injury to humans, bed bugs leave odours and fecal matter on bed sheets around the insect’s hiding spaces. These spots are usually reddish-brown or dark brown to black.

Until recently bed bug infestations were thought to be associated with crowded and dilapidated housing.

However, bed bugs have undergone a resurgence in pest status and can be found in even the finest hotel and living accommodations.

Reasons for Their Resurgence

The reasons for this resurgence are not totally understood but appear to have evolved from increased global travel and commerce. Ease of movement of infested items, widespread insecticide resistance, and changes in pesticides available to control this pest.

People may bring bedbugs into their homes in luggage or on clothes after visiting an infested dwelling or hotel.

If you travel frequently look for signs of bedbugs in your room by checking behind headboards, and under sheets. And by inspecting mattress seams and tufts. Especially if you suspect that you have been bitten. Wash and dry all of your clothes in the hottest settings available.

If You Have a Bedbug Problem

If you suspect that you have a bedbug problem in your home we recommend that you contact an experienced pest control provider to safely and effectively remove them. Due to their ability to withstand most types of treatments available domestically, this is your best bet.

Not Included in Annual Treatment plans