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Carpenter Ants – House Guests You Don't Want

Most species of ants live outdoors but you will find some that come into the home. Carpenter ants are the most common and they can be very annoying. Since they reproduce quickly your home may soon become infested by them. They are mainly black in color and seem to be very tolerant of ant traps and poisons that people put out to kill them.

Taking a Look at Carpenter Ants

Some of the various species have wings on them as well so they can be misidentified as other types of insects. They are often mistaken for termites because the can be found in the wood of your home. They also like moist areas so they tend to be in the kitchen and the bathrooms.

In order to get rid of carpenter ants, you will need to find out where their nests are. With hundreds of eggs being laid each day by the queen ants, you don’t want to wait to too long to get started. You may want to try to get rid of them on your own.

You can leave out food for the ants and then follow their trail back to the colony. Dabs of honey that are left out will definitely attract their attention.

Boric Acid will Kill Them

Boric acid is one of the most effective ways to kill them. Track them back to the wood, walls, and other places in your home where they are located. There may be several colonies around so don’t stop your efforts when you come across one of them.

If you are having a hard time locating the carpenter ants or your attempts at using boric acid have failed you will need to call a professional exterminator.

You can help prevent carpenter ants from getting into your home by taking care of leaks right away. Remove dead wood from your yard too as this can be where the carpenter ants start out.

Carpenter Ants Love Wood

Don’t store wood for the fireplace too close to your home. It may be more convenient but you don’t want to deal with carpenter ants. They can move from there into your home in very short period of time. They often do this through cracks, piping access points or where wires run into your home. Seal these areas up as much as you can.

If you suspect that you have carpenter ants around your property or in your home it is advisable to contact a professional pest control provider to deal with them safely and effectively.

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