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Information About Carpenter Ants

Locale On Property
There are two types of carpenter ant nests: parent colonies and satellite colonies. Parent colonies contain workers, numerous broods and an egg-laying queen, while satellite colonies may have workers, mature larvae and pupae. Any of these nests can become a problem in houses and buildings. Carpenter ants may establish their nests indoors or outdoors. As well as tunnelling in the trim of buildings, wooden steps, and window sills, ant colonies can nest in houses without attacking structural timbers, using hollow spaces like wall voids, attic spaces, and hollow doors. They can even be found behind books in libraries, behind drawers in dressers and cabinets, and in Styrofoam insulation.

The red carpenter ant and the black carpenter ant are two of the most common types found in Canada. The red carpenter ant has a dark brownish-black body, with a reddish-brown upper body. The black carpenter ant is dark brownish-black all over.

Carpenter ants are from 6 to 25 mm (.24 to 1 inch) long. A carpenter ant’s body is divided into three segments, with a very slim waist separating the upper body and lower body. Their antennae are bent and in sections.

Carpenter ants do not eat wood, like a termite does, but they do tunnel and burrow into wood to make nests, over time this will completely destroy the structural abilities of wood.. Overall, it’s unlikely for carpenter ants to completely destroy a home since their presence is fairly easy to notice. However, the damage they can eventually do if they’re not detected may lead to a home being destroyed for all practical purposes. Carpenter ants will ruin your home if you let them.

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