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Information About Mosquitos

Locale On Property
Mosquitoes are drawn to water sources on a property as they provide hydration as well as a hospitable area
to lay eggs. This means properties with an abundance of water and flowers are likely to attract mosquitoes. Even plants will attract mosquitoes.

They are mostly grey in colour with white, silver, green or iridescent blue scales.

The risk of developing a serious disease is the most dangerous outcome of a mosquito bite. There are several harmful infections that mosquitoes can carry and transmit, including: Malaria: Parasites cause this life-threatening disease by infecting and destroying red blood cells.

Mosquitoes infect humans with the Zika virus, yellow fever, dengue, malaria, and other diseases. Mosquitoes have bedevilled humans for centuries, spreading disease and death to millions. Today, the latest plague they bring is the Zika virus.

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