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Information About Odorous/Thatching/Cornfield/Argentine/Thief Ants

Locale On Property
Ants occasionally come inside in search of water, particularly during dry periods. In this case you may see them in bathrooms or other humid parts of the house. Heavy rains can also cause ant nests to flood and force them to relocate to nearby buildings, such as your house.
Inside ants may be found near their food sources, moisture and in hidden, protected places like wall voids, under appliances, behind window frames and beneath floors. Ants are commensal pests, meaning they like to live close to people and eat some of the same things we do – sweets, meats, starches and liquids.

Most ants are either red or black in colour and length can be anywhere from 1/3″ to 1/2″. Like other insects, they have six legs; each with three joints. Ants have large heads with compound eyes, elbowed antennae, and powerful jaws.

Many ants are venomous (including the fire ant, bulldog ant, and bullet ant), and some can carry disease. In fact, recent studies show that the pharaoh ant can carry and transmit organisms such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Clostridium and Streptococcus.

Contamination of human and pet foods is the primary concern, as ants can carry germs and disease. For this reason, it’s important not to let an infestation get out of control. To truly eradicate ants, you need a professional pest control service.

Book your Disrupt service for Odorous/Thatching/Cornfield/Argentine/Thief ants!