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Information About Roof Rat/Norway Rat

Locale On Property
In homes, rats will take refuge under furniture, behind walls, or in dark, seldom-used corners of the house.
They’re also famous for making nests inside of and under appliances. They are also found in attics which
provide great nesting opportunities.

Roof rats can be black or brown. These rodents have long tails, large ears and eyes, and pointed noses. They
have smooth fur with hairless, scaly tails that are longer than their heads and bodies.
Norway rats are brown and have a gray to yellow-white underside. They have broad bodies, a blunt muzzle
and small eyes and ears. Their tails are shorter than their heads and bodies.

They spread disease, such as rabies, rat bite fever, hantavirus and food poisoning. They contaminate food
and living areas with their urine, droppings and hair. Some other diseases that can be spread from rats to
people are bubonic and pneumonic plague, murine typhus, salmonella, leptospirosis, and tularaemia. Rat
feces and urine can dry and turn to dust, spreading viruses through the air we breathe.

Book your Disrupt service for Roof Rat/Norway Rat!