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Click on a pest to learn more!

General Pests

Key Pest Category Knowledge


Ants are one of the most difficult pests to control because they are very sensitive to their environment. They create a pheromone trail to communicate their food and water sources, as well as any dangers. That is why DIY treatments like raid, ant-out, or home defense aren’t very effective, they will kill a few on contact but end up pushing or splitting the rest of the colony into another location.

Key Pest Category Knowledge


Spiders are tougher to treat because of clearance created with their legs. They don’t have the same body contact to the ground. Many other bugs are lower to the ground and have a lot more drag that helps the treatments attach to their bodies.

We get rid of their food sources by de-webbing and then treating for the nuisance pests like a carpet beetle, pill bug, etc. These nuisance pests are food sources for the predator bugs like spiders.

Key Pest Category Knowledge


With weather changes in the winter rodents move closer to the foundation of your home looking for shelter, water, and food. Mice can squeeze through any opening the size of a dime. We do light exclusion work to keep them out. We can also place two exterior bait stations if you are interested.

Mice typically don’t travel more than 10-15 feet up and/or out. They nest where their food source is, if you’re seeing mice in separate areas of the home (upstairs and downstairs or garage and kitchen), you likely have more than one mouse colony.

Key Pest Category Knowledge


The thing about cockroaches are that they are tough bugs, they are thigmotactic meaning they like pressure on three sides and prefer to squeeze into cracks or crevices. They are next to impossible for homeowners to treat themselves.

Most companies will up-charge for cockroaches. One of the things our customers love is that we take care of them in our pro+ and premium pest control plans.

Key Pest Category Knowledge

Stinging Insect

Wasps and Hornet nests always tend to pop up in your yard in the hot summer months. Most companies will up-charge for wasps when you encounter issues. One of the things our customers love is that we are taking care of that for them in our Pro + plan.

We treat their nests with a residual product because they are similar to ants in that they leave pheromone trails, so if they do come back the treatment is effective. If not just give us a call and we come back for no charge with our Avayda Promise.

Key Pest Category Knowledge

Other Pests

These little guys are not harmful at all other than they are a nuisance and a bit gross to have in your home.

The main issue you will start to see if you don’t take care of them is a larger spider population. Spiders are a predatory insect that feed on these nuisance pests.



Pill Bug


Sow Bug





Box Elders

There are many different types of pests that fall into our Other Pest category, they all can invade your home and property at various times in a season. There are too many to actually provide a list of each one.

The main concern with most of these nuisance pests is that they are not pleasant to have in your home but more important is they are a primary food source for predatory pests like spiders, potentially increasing the spider population in your home.

Specialty Pests​

Key Pest Category Knowledge


Roof rats typically run the gutters and chew holes through the soffit to get into the attic. Rats love to sharpen their front Incisor teeth by chewing on things.

Most often in a home this is electrical wires, often causing electrical failure and/or electrical fires.

Rats go after pet food as well as human food, causing contamination of the food. Ectoparasites like Fleas and Ticks live on Rats and transmit disease to pets, they should never be handled without gloves.

Key Pest Category Knowledge


Ticks feed on blood, they can’t fly, their feeding strategy is called questing, it’s an opportunistic hunt where they wait for a passing by host to latch onto. Their complex mouthparts allow them to hook and anchor.

Our repel treatment is extremely effective in keeping them out of your yard. You will be less likely to have to deal with them on your pets or family members when you get treated on our Avayda premium plan.

Key Pest Category Knowledge


The summer months are too short to not spend them outside, this is the time to enjoy your back yard. Our repel treatment service will drastically reduce the mosquito population on your property to just a few occasional invaders.


Key Pest Category Knowledge

German Cockroach

The thing about cockroaches are that they are tough bugs, they are thigmotactic meaning they like pressure on three sides and prefer to squeeze into cracks or crevices. They are next to impossible for homeowners to treat themselves. Most companies will up-charge for cockroaches. One of the things our customers love is that we take care of them in our pro+ and premium pest control plans.

Pests Not Included In Treatment Plans​​

Wildlife // Voles, Snakes, Gophers, Skunks, Raccoons

Flying Animals // Pigeons, Bats, Starlings, Common House Sparrow, ect

Insects // Black Flies, Common House fly

Murder Hornet

Bed Bugs

Stored Product Pests