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Information About Oriental Cockroach

Locale On Property
Oriental cockroaches often travel through sewers and may come inside through pipes and drains. Abundant outdoor plants may also provide places for these cockroach populations to flourish and get inside houses in search of food. Also, leaking pipes and other plumbing leaks are very attractive to Oriental cockroaches. Once inside, they can survive and breed successfully if they can find an area with enough moisture.

Oriental roaches are dark brown to nearly black in colour and have a shiny appearance.

Oriental cockroaches have the potential to carry food-borne pathogens such as E. coli, salmonella species, and other diseases.
Oriental cockroaches are very dangerous to have invading your home. Allergens from Oriental roach shed skins and feces have the ability to trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks in people, especially in young children.

Book your Disrupt service for Oriental Cockroach!